Latest in 2015 November

The First English Chess Explosion

‘To show the progress Chess had made of recent years, Mr. Staunton observed “that many now living could remember when there was but one Chess club in the kingdom, and the only allusion ever made to the game in our public prints was when Philidor or…

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Killing a Journalist

Remembering the Murder of Larisa Yudina under Ilyumzhinov Valery Badmayev editor-in-chief of newspaper Sovremennaya Kalmykia (7 October 2015) A couple of days ago I was sent a link to an interview with Ilyumzhinov on Ekho Moskvy, but I only found time to read it today….

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We Need to Talk about Garry, Part 3

Why Life Does Not Imitate Chess   Part 3: The Visionary Followers of Garry Kasparov on Facebook will have noted that he has taken to styling himself as a ‘politician’. What’s his track record? All chess players will know about his campaign for FIDE president…

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We Need to Talk about Garry, Part 2

Why Life Does Not Imitate Chess Garry Kasparov is an archetypal winner: one that every ambitious person should learn from. So says Alastair Campbell. And he should know: he’s written a book on this subject!i ‘Running through everything Kasparov says is the idea that winners…

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We Need to Talk about Garry, Part 1: References

 Websites 1), The 12 Most Interesting Chess Players Ever. 2)      The Week in Chess, Kasparov-Short St Louis 2015. 3), Information Package: Garry Kasparov – Lectures, Keynotes and Seminars. 4)      Russipedia, Prominent Russians: Garry Kasparov. 5)      Wikipedia, Matthew Syed. Books and Papers a)      All…

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How to Avoid Traps

  ‘A player of average strength asked us how to avoid traps in the opening. We gave him four rules: Move nothing beyond the fourth/fifth rank till all your pieces are developed (except a pawn, if it hits a piece or takes something). When Black,…

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