Latest in June

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Frog in the Throat

The late Neil Carr recounted this anecdote in Kingpin 12 (Autumn 1987).    The French International U-21 Championship held in Montpellier in April was a well-run 9 round tournament which produced some fine attacking chess. It was won by L. Stratil of Czechoslovakia (Strepsil to…

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Great Swindles Of Our Time

  Neil Carr wrote some funny articles for Kingpin. His dynamic style of play, breezy sense of humour and fondness for excruciating wordplay made him an ideal contributor. This turbulent game appeared in Kingpin 11. The dubious honour of having contributed more to this section of Kingpin…

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Chess and Character

  ‘If ever there was a game calculated to bring into prominent view the idiosyncrasies of individuals, it is chess. It shows up a man’s prevailing characteristics at times so plainly that he who runs may read. The faults of human nature, as shown in…

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Neil Carr: A Natural

  Neil Carr, who has died suddenly at only 47, was one of the most gifted chess players to emerge from the English chess explosion of the late seventies and early eighties. A child prodigy, he won the British Under-11 Championship in 1978 and lifted…

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We’re Going on a King Hunt

When he took up playing poker seriously Alexander Grischuk was already an elite grandmaster.  He’s convinced that chess skills such as concentration, psychology, logical thinking and endurance helped his poker no end, but he’s less persuaded that poker has helped his chess.  But for his habitual…

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Divinities and the Herd

“There could hardly be a greater contrast in temperament, style of play, even appearance, than exist between the Cuban and his challenger. Capablanca, of middle height, olive-complexioned, self-contained and dignified as a Spanish grandee, sits almost motionless at the board , with a single trick…

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Cracking Move

   L. Szabo – C. Kottnauer Szczawno-Zdroj 1950 White to play 21 Bc8!! Nxc8 22 Qh7 Threatening mate. 22…f6 Moving the Be7 fails to Re1. 23 Bxh6! gxh6 24 Nh4 24…Rd8 25 Re1 Two pieces down, White has an irresistible attack. He threatens 25 Ng6+ Ke8 26 Rxe7+…

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Chess in the US, with Pizzazz

Maurice (‘More-Reese’) Ashley’s commentary style is not everyone’s cup of tea. If his pants-on-fire delivery seems better suited to boxing than chess, then that’s the whole point.  But hose him down and he’s a decent interviewer, if more Piers Morgan than John Freeman. He’s the Morgan…

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