Latest in Penguin profiles

Brain Scam

Justin Horton   Ray Keene’s charity, The Brain Trust, appears to donate a lot of the money it raises to organisations run by Ray Keene and his friends. What’s going on? Let’s ask Ray directly.   Email, Sunday 13 January, to [For details and…

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Raymundo contra Mundum

On the eve of the press conference to announce the Kasparov-Kramnik match, David Levy addressed a remarkable billet-doux to Raymond Keene, his life-long business partner and former brother-in-law.     An open letter to Raymond Keene: Raymond, We have known each other for 37 years. We have…

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Eye Told You So

‘John Witherow and Fraser Nelson, editors of the Times and Spectator respectively, are happy to employ a hack who regularly steals other writers’ work and passes it off as its own … This isn’t the first time the Penguin has been caught red-handed.’ Private Eye…

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A Flightless Species?

When accusations of plagiarism hit the ice shelf one fortunate old bird always seems to wing it. The strange evolutionary advantages of Raymond Keene.

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Generous to a Fault

From Grandmaster Tony Miles Sir, I was stunned to read your recent issues casting doubt on the legendary and overwhelming generosity of International Grandmaster Raymond Keene, OBE. I cannot allow such malicious rubbish to go unanswered. No doubt some readers will be quite surprised to…

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10 Seconds with Raymond Keene

This is the first in a series of interviews where Kingpin readers are invited to pose one question to a prominent figure in the chess world. Subscriber Gordon Clackett’s guest is the writer and impresario Raymond Keene. Gordon: Why do so many people consider you…

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Keene on . . .

Journalism ‘I tend to make the articles in The Spectator more wordy and The Times I make a little bit more lapidary in the style.’ Tunisgate ‘When I did my accounts after that event, I think I’d made eleven pounds profit.’ Being expelled from the…

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David Levy on the Brain Games Scandal, 2000-2003

How Could You Do This Raymond? An open letter to Raymond Keene 4 April 2000 Raymond Keene and a Matter of £50,000 – The Full Truth Emerges 8 August 2001 Is Fraud a Brain Game? 6 January 2002 A ‘Pump-and-Dump’ Fraud from Brain Games 21…

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