Latest in chess variants

The Perfect Suicide

Jeroen van de Weijer   Should we still be playing suicide chess (also known as ‘antichess’, ‘losing chess’, etc.)? After all, computer analysis by Mark Watkins (University of Sydney) has recently shown that White wins (1 e3!) against all defences. In my view, this should…

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Arimaa: Game Over?

  What’s New with Arimaa? In an earlier articlea I introduced readers to Arimaa, a recently invented and hitherto almost unknown chess variant. I argued that Arimaa has a comparable beauty and complexity to chess, but a much higher potential (given the lengthy history and extensive…

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Arimaa, Computers and the Future of Chess

Andy Lewis   A common Arimaa starting position Anyone for a variation on chess? Is chess played out? This concern has been voiced periodically over the history of the game, and the challenges has never been more profound: over-refinement of opening-theory; perfection of endgame technique;…

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