Latest in Private Eye

Poetry Corner

In Memoriam Brian Eley (1946–2022) British Chess Champion, Suspected paedophile So. Farewell Then, Brian Eley, Fugitive chess master, Touch and move suspect, Reported to the BCF for alleged misconduct in 1979.   Fifty years ago You were the British Chess Champion In Brighton.   Thirty years…

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Eye Told You So

‘John Witherow and Fraser Nelson, editors of the Times and Spectator respectively, are happy to employ a hack who regularly steals other writers’ work and passes it off as its own … This isn’t the first time the Penguin has been caught red-handed.’ Private Eye…

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Another One in the Eye

‘How many more daylight robberies can he get away with before the editors of the Times and Spectator call a halt to his criminal spree?’ Private Eye No.1354 29 November-12 Dec. 2013, p.8   Have you noticed that each time Raymond Keene appears in Private Eye these…

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It’s Only Chess

Chess is barely visible in mainstream media. Chessplayers have only themselves to blame, argues Justin Horton   I have a foreign name. Not foreign to me, of course, nor to most people reading. But it is foreign in the country where I live. Foreign in origin…

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David Levy on the Brain Games Scandal, 2000-2003

How Could You Do This Raymond? An open letter to Raymond Keene 4 April 2000 Raymond Keene and a Matter of £50,000 – The Full Truth Emerges 8 August 2001 Is Fraud a Brain Game? 6 January 2002 A ‘Pump-and-Dump’ Fraud from Brain Games 21…

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