Another One in the Eye

‘How many more daylight robberies can he get away with before the editors of the Times and Spectator call a halt to his criminal spree?’

Private Eye No.1354 29 November-12 Dec. 2013, p.8


Have you noticed that each time Raymond Keene appears in Private Eye these days he inches ever nearer the front page? Judging by the latest exposé  it would be no surprise if the headline of a Times chess column turned out to be its only original feature. Rather than waste their creativity in this way the paper’s sub-editors could do a little ‘borrowing’ of their own and use some of the headlines below. There are surely enough here to see out the remaining weeks of the unflappable recycler’s tenure.

  1. Plagiarism Extraordinary 
  2. Unconscious Plagiarism
  3. Plagiarism and Profit
  4. ‘Stealing my Thunder’ 
  5. Plagiarists – never!
  6. Forgery, plagiarism and reality
  7. When great minds think alike
  8. Fortunes to be made in used notes 
  9. The age of plagiarism
  10. A plagiarism on all your houses
  11. What’s new, copycat? Nothing under the sun
  12. The dramatist who made an art form out of plagiarism
  13. How to resist the copycat syndrome
  14. Bubonic Plagiarism 
  15. It’s the genuine article, perfect plagiarism
  16. Take our word for it: plagiarism is difficult to prove
  17. Plagiarism? Just a coincidence, surely
  18. Plagiarism? No – it’s called research
  19. If a tale’s worth telling…then it’s worth telling twice
  20. The Penguin flies one last time
  21. Penguin silent



  1. Sunday Times, 3 December 1826, page 3
  2. Miles, The Times, 1 June 1872, page 11
  3. The Times, 5 June 1913, page 9
  4. A. Maude and Ernest A. Ebblewhite, Sunday Times, 1 September 1940, page 6
  5. William Rushton, Sunday Times, 21 May 1972, page 19
  6. Bernard Levin, Sunday Times, 6 September 1987, page 47
  7. Lisa O’Kelly, The Times, 22 March 1989, page 37
  8. Richard Morrison, The Times, 7 April 1993, page 29
  9. The Times, 2 October 1993, page 96
  10. Margarette Driscoll, Sunday Times, 22 May 1994, page 14 (S7)
  11. Peter Millar, Sunday Times, 23 October 1994, page 9(S)
  12. Mark Steyn, The Times, 9 November 1995, page 40
  13. Chris Barton, The Times, 13 December 1996, page 37
  14. The Times, 17 June 1999, page 25
  15. Bryan Appleyard, Sunday Times, 3 October 1999, page 6 (S3)
  16. Margaret Tofalides and Alasdair Bleakley, The Times, 7 December 2004, page 6 (S3)
  17. Martin Waller, The Times, 5 April 2006, page 40
  18. Erica Wagner, The Times, 27 November 2006, page 3
  19. Robert Macfarlane, The Times, 17 March, 2007, page 7(S2)
  20. John Bungey, The Times, 7 December 2007, page 17(S) 
  21. The Times, 25 September 25, 1989, page 7


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