Latest in 2013 December

More Chess on the Radio

Writer John Healy is the first subject of this new programme on Radio 4, the first BBC radio series dedicated to chess since 1964. The other interviewees are former heavyweight boxing champion Lennox Lewis, Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions,…

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More Articles

Leonard Barden’s Blunder Theory

  ‘The worst blunders occur on the days when you’re feeling in form and aren’t expecting the chess gremlins to strike.’ ‘If you go through my games at the Hastings tournament of 1961/2 you may well expect my greatest error to have occurred there. I…

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Max Euwe’s ‘Gravest Error’

‘I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion.’ ‘During my chess career, I have made quite a few oversights. In fact I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion. Although I remember these errors very well, I…

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Grandmaster Protests in Song

  [tube][/tube] Chess Today’s Mikhail Golubev lends his voice to Odessa’s campaign against the Ukrainian president. The maestro does his turn at 2.56.   (Translation by Sarah Hurst)   We don’t want to stand here any more! It won’t be like it was before! This…

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The Chess Player and the Train Robber

April 1981 was a fast month for news. John Hinkley had been arrested for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. There were riots on the streets of London. Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, went on trial. The Sun newspaper revealed to a rapt nation that…

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Another One in the Eye

‘How many more daylight robberies can he get away with before the editors of the Times and Spectator call a halt to his criminal spree?’ Private Eye No.1354 29 November-12 Dec. 2013, p.8   Have you noticed that each time Raymond Keene appears in Private Eye these…

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