Latest in 2014

The British School

‘The British School is characterized by a great show of brilliancy. No idea is too bizarre for them, no concept too fantastic. They are hard workers, to be sure, but rather bent on finding new sensational effects than on constructing something useful. For the main…

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Model Masker trandi waktu ini untuk dipakai Macam maskerseven amat beraneka, ada yang buat menghambat pencemaran atau pencemaran udara, serta ada yang dibentuk spesial buat menghambat penebaran virus yang lebih efisien. Satu diantaranya kelebihan dalam menghambat virus yang terdapat di masa waktu ini merupakan peraturan…

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Gambartogel – Blog judi online terkomplet yang berada di indonesia Perjudian online waktu ini bisa dimainkan secara mudah hanya cukup sejumlah langakah saja, apalagai di kurun serba digital waktu ini. Perubahan abad yang kian modern bikin situs gambartogel membulatkan niat untuk tampil ke judi online…

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Inspired by Tony Miles’ famous two-word book review, several readers have offered suggestions for chess books that should never be written. There are more on Kingpin’s Facebook page.   They say that everyone has a crap book in them, so please send us your ideas!  (Mig…

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The Living Game

  ‘If you watch a video of an old Wimbledon final or Ryder Cup match, you aren’t really re-analysing, you are merely reminding yourself of what happened and suffusing yourself again with the emotions provoked by the original events. But a chess game, after it…

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That’s the Spirit!

Jonathan Rowson A polished pine bedroom in a convent school, Tallinn, Estonia, September 1997. A bottle of whisky, unpacked suitcases, and three drunken chess players playing blitz. Andrew Martin, Simon Williams, Jonathan Rowson. And, our invisible friend, ‘The Spirit’. It is intriguing. It is intriguing…

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Chess Annotation as a Fine Art

 ‘A raking pin by the proud prelate. White threatens to thrust the flagship of his armada forward with the galloping move e5, leaving his discomforted steed on f6 feeling like Yasser Arafat at a barmitzvah.’   A great spoof by Colin Crouch from Kingpin 20 (Spring 1993).

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Walking the Walk

It’s a measure of how drab the World Championship has been that Magnus Carlsen allegedly falling asleep at the board and the double blunder in Game 6 have provided its most dramatic moments. The blunder is beautifully captured in this short clip featuring IM Lawrence…

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A Vivid Man

‘As a man Hugh was a wholly delightful companion. He was extremely lively and talkative, full of ideas and genuinely interested in everything that his friends were doing. He liked arguing for its own sake, but was never quarrelsome. He was the kind of person…

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