Latest in The Penguin Files

An Appeal to Readers

From Ida Eddis Foster (Newtown, Rochester):   Dear Mr Manley, In issue 15 of Kingpin I defended Ray Keene against umpteen accusations, including the 1978 book “scandal”. I was livid at how Jean Stean used CHESS to accuse Ray of hatching “a premeditated and deliberate…

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More Articles

Keene on . . .

Journalism ‘I tend to make the articles in The Spectator more wordy and The Times I make a little bit more lapidary in the style.’ Tunisgate ‘When I did my accounts after that event, I think I’d made eleven pounds profit.’ Being expelled from the…

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Private Eye on Brain Games

Between December 2002 and November 2003 the British satirical magazine Private Eye published six articles on the Brain Games scandal. We present them below, reproduced by kind permission of PRIVATE EYE magazine The current issue of Kingpin gives a full account of the scam.    …

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Backstabbing in Baguio

Kingpin reader Florence Manny (Manila, The Philippines) writes: ‘Grandmaster Keene’s twin acts of treachery against Korchnoi in the 1978 World Championship are in my humble opinion the apogee of his two-timing career. He stitched up Korchnoi before the match by signing a contract he had…

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Brain Games and a Chinese Puzzle

RTG Ventures, Inc. (OTCBB: RTVG), Part I – Mind Games [First published on 11 December 2003 on the website]   Investors in the United States face a fundamental problem when it comes to assessing businesses that claim to be centered in the Peoples Republic…

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David Levy on the Brain Games Scandal, 2000-2003

How Could You Do This Raymond? An open letter to Raymond Keene 4 April 2000 Raymond Keene and a Matter of £50,000 – The Full Truth Emerges 8 August 2001 Is Fraud a Brain Game? 6 January 2002 A ‘Pump-and-Dump’ Fraud from Brain Games 21…

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Samurai Chess

Samurai Chess: Mastering the Martial Art of the Mind Michael Gelb and Raymond Keene Aurum Press, 1997, 224pp., £15.95   Frankly I wish I’d never agreed to review this book. Criticism of it will inevitably seem like gratuitous Mondo knocking, and praise will be seriously…

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