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Hapless Miguel

‘Najdorf is harping on his constant “bad luck”. . . We are not sharing this impression. We think differently and to better explain the why and wherefore, we cite the insurance companies which have statistics for everything. When a person has an accident and everything…

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Alekhine’s Kindness

CORRESPONDENCE B.H. WOOD, Esq., CHESS. Dear Wood, There is one aspect of Dr. Alekhine’s character which may come as a surprise to chess players generally, for in that respect he has not been very widely advertised, that of kindness and readiness to help. In 1938…

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Ahead of His Time

  Louis Paulsen A Chess Biography with 719 Games Hans Renette 448 pages | hardback | 108 illustrations | $75.00 Jefferson: McFarland, 2019 Jonathan Hinton Author Hans Renette has established himself as a leading chess historian with the publication of his immense 2016 biography of…

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The Chessplayer-Tramp

‘This book is definitely for chess players who enjoy reading crime—by a chess player who really knows his underworld.’ Jim Phelan (1895–1966) led an eventful life, but what is known of his chess life?

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Samuel Beckett’s Chess Library

Playwright Samuel Beckett’s interest in chess is well known, but what did he read about the game? There are several chess books among the 757 works in Beckett’s online library. ‘He also studied the chess columns regularly in Le Monde and spent hours playing chess…

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The Executioner from Berlin

Hans Renette     Kurt Richter A Chess Biography with 499 Games Alan McGowan 380 pages | 93 photos | hardback | $75.00 Jefferson: McFarland, 2018 A few months ago McFarland’s new-born chess book saw the light of day. After working for over four decades…

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Brief Encounters

  The Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen and the Match that Made Chess Great Again Brin-Jonathan Butler 224 pages | softback | £12.95 London: Simon & Schuster, 2018 Sarah Hurst The directionless nature of Brin-Jonathan Butler’s book is evident from its title, ‘The Grandmaster: Magnus Carlsen and…

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Three Prussian Lives

    Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle 19th Century Berlin Chess Biographies with 711 Games Hans Renette and Fabrizio Zavatarelli 384 pages | hardback | 66 illustrations | 711 games | $75.00 Jefferson: McFarland, 2018   Jonathan Hinton Collectors of modern books on chess history, particularly those…

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Fiendish Moves #3

 Uitumen – Lein Sochi, 1965 Black to play      12…h5!! A fine move, and the only good one.      13 fxe5 Bg4 14 Qb3 Qf2      15 Qxb7? It was better to play 15 Rd1, and if 15…Be2 only then 16 Qxb7.  15…Qxe1…

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