Latest in Vassily Smyslov

For the Ladies

Euwe: Plays to win in every game. His colleagues unreservedly acknowledged him an authority on the game. Stahlberg: Obviously quite out of form. Does too much journalism. Always plays the same rather dim openings. Keres: Admired of all the ladies, quite outshining Anthony Eden and…

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Botvinnik’s Life and Games

  Mikhail Botvinnik: The Life and Games of a World Chess Champion by Andy Soltis 284 pages | hardback | 12 photos | S49.95 Jefferson: McFarland, 2014         Nagesh Havanur The Patriarch never had an official biographer. He didn’t want one. His autobiography…

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50 Must Reads

Jimmy Adams, Baden Baden 1925 International Chess Tournament: The Arrival of Hypermodern Chess (Yorklyn: Caissa Editions, 1991)   Alexander Alekhine, My Best Games 1924–37 (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1939)   Frank Brady, Endgame: Thee Spectacular Rise and Fall of Bobby Fischer (London: Constable. 2011) David…

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The British School

‘The British School is characterized by a great show of brilliancy. No idea is too bizarre for them, no concept too fantastic. They are hard workers, to be sure, but rather bent on finding new sensational effects than on constructing something useful. For the main…

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Max Euwe’s ‘Gravest Error’

‘I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion.’ ‘During my chess career, I have made quite a few oversights. In fact I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion. Although I remember these errors very well, I…

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Sergey Tiviakov: 20 Questions

Sergey Tiviakov was born in Krasnodar on 14 February 1973. Alexey Osachuk was his first coach and from 1980 until 1984 he was a pupil of former World Champion Vassily Smyslov. He won the World U-16 Championship in 1989 and World U-18 Championship in 1990….

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No Regrets: Boris Spassky at 60

  Lev Khariton The attractive countryside of Meudon is a 15-minute train ride from Paris. Here I came to interview Boris Spassky just three days before his 60th birthday. He reminiscences about his life, his chess career, his rivals and friends. Dear Grandmaster, I should…

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