Latest in women and chess

Girl Power

The 7th London Chess Conference Sarah Hurst When I heard that the theme of this year’s London Chess Conference was going to be ‘Chess and Female Empowerment,’ I wanted to be there. I didn’t know what chess and female empowerment was, exactly, but it sounded…

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Two Brains

  ‘Men and women’s brains are hard-wired very differently, so why should they function in the same way? I don’t have the slightest problem in acknowledging that my wife possesses a much higher degree of emotional intelligence than I do. Likewise, she doesn’t feel embarrassed…

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Women Prefer Bridge

‘Games are the opposite of human contact . . . During their game, chess players are “incommunicado”; they are imprisoned. What is going on in their heads is narcissistic self-gratification with a minimum of objective reality, a wordless sniffing and grabbing in a bottomless pit….

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