Latest in 2015 August


‘Our activity, playing chess, is not work in the proper sense. Restoril It creates no value, it produces nothing. Remarkably, it is barely a means of providing work for others. Whoever hopes to make money out of us, condemns himself to a depressed trade ….

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Memoirs of a Mediocre Chess Player

Antony Mann   Peter Leko. Ian Rogers. Luke McShane. Raymond Keene. Darryl Johansen. John Nunn. I don’t like to name-drop, but these are just some of the stars of world chess that I’ve seen reasonably close-up during my years as a chess player. Heady times,…

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On the Ropes

  Bruno Carlier – Neil Carr Guernsey, 1986 (Notes by Neil Carr)      1 e4 g6 2 d4 Bg7 3 Nc3 d6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 h3 O-O 6 Be3 Nc6!? A common move for Black in this position is 6…b6, and after 7…

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Tim Krabbé: 20 Questions

Tim Krabbé was born on 13 April 1943 in Amsterdam. His main occupation is that of a novelist; his books have been translated into 18 languages and often been adapted for films. He is best known for Marte Jacobs (2007), The Rider  (De Renner), his…

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Missed Brilliancy

 Sznapik – Bhend Bath 1973 White to play The game continued 19 Bh4 g5 20 Bxg5 fxg5 21 Rh3 and White won in a few moves. Can you do better?

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Kamikaze King and Queen

 Segel – Fox Antwerp, 1900 Black to play        23…Qxg3+! 24 Kxg3 Rg8+ 25 Kh4 Ng6+ 26 Kh5 Nf4+      27 Kxh6 Ne6+ 28 Kh5     28…Rh8 mate The winner of this game, Albert Whiting Fox (1881-1964), is one of the forgotten masters…

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