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‘Disgusted with the Chamber of Horrors’

Chess and Early Cold War Propaganda Chess, like many sports, has been used as a political instrument. Files recently released by the National Archives reveal how the Soviet Union exploited chess for propaganda during the early years of the Cold War (1953–1960). In December 1953,…

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Tiger v Anaconda

‘But Kasparov is not a man to limit his goals or his spheres of action. Stocky and strong, with black hair already streaked with grey by the pressure of his life-style, Kasparov lives in perpetual whirlwind of activity. Naturally this is reflected in his speech,…

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Gary Lane’s Agony Column

DEAR GARY I would like to bring to the attention of readers the old but entertaining tome Castling through the Ages: From 0-0-0 to 0-0. I would certainly recommend any aspiring player to seriously study this aspect of  their game and try spectacular castling. I…

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A New Dawn for Chess

Bromance Twitter Timeline   See also The Election of Arkady Dvorkovich Russia Made the King of Chess. The U.S. Dethroned Him   With thanks to Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews)

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Searching for André Philidor

Interest in François-André Danican Philidor revived in 1926, the 200th anniversary of his birth. Celebrations were planned at his birthplace, Drieux in the Champagne region of France, and Biarritz. In England too chess players were keen to mark the occasion. Bust of Philidor (Cleveland Public Library…

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Three Prussian Lives

    Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle 19th Century Berlin Chess Biographies with 711 Games Hans Renette and Fabrizio Zavatarelli 384 pages | hardback | 66 illustrations | 711 games | $75.00 Jefferson: McFarland, 2018   Jonathan Hinton Collectors of modern books on chess history, particularly those…

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For the Ladies

Euwe: Plays to win in every game. His colleagues unreservedly acknowledged him an authority on the game. Stahlberg: Obviously quite out of form. Does too much journalism. Always plays the same rather dim openings. Keres: Admired of all the ladies, quite outshining Anthony Eden and…

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