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Tim Krabbé: 20 Questions

Tim Krabbé was born on 13 April 1943 in Amsterdam. His main occupation is that of a novelist; his books have been translated into 18 languages and often been adapted for films. He is best known for Marte Jacobs (2007), The Rider  (De Renner), his…

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Colin Crouch, 1956-2015

  Colin Crouch, who has died at the tragically young age of 58, had a magnificently mischievous sense of humour. He contributed several pieces to Kingpin, serious and funny, and wrote one of the wittiest parodies of a chess writer you are likely to read. An affable,…

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Yasser Seirawan: 20 Questions

Yasser Seirawan became World Junior Champion in 1979 and was twice a candidate for the World Championship title. He is currently commentating on the US Chess Championship, an event he has won four times. Kingpin interviewed him in 1998. What is your earliest memory of…

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Sarah Hurst: 20 Questions

Sarah Hurst was a regular contributor to CHESS magazine in the 1990s and also edited the British Chess Federation’s newsletter, ChessMoves. Her fine book Curse of Kirsan: Adventures in the Chess Underworld is now available on Kindle at a bargain price. Since 2002 she has been translating…

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Tomi Nybäck: 20 Questions

Tomi Nybäck was born in Järvenpää, Finland on 3 April 1985. He is Finland’s number one player and has competed in six Chess Olympiads.   What is your earliest memory of playing chess? My father taught me the rules when I was six years old or…

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Bent Larsen: 20 Questions

  What is your earlier memory of playing chess? I was six, and a boy two years older than me taught me the rules. In one of our first games he got king and two rooks against my bare king and forced me to the…

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Chess in the US, with Pizzazz

Maurice (‘More-Reese’) Ashley’s commentary style is not everyone’s cup of tea. If his pants-on-fire delivery seems better suited to boxing than chess, then that’s the whole point.  But hose him down and he’s a decent interviewer, if more Piers Morgan than John Freeman. He’s the Morgan…

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Nigel Short’s Questionnaire

  What is your earliest memory of playing chess? I remember playing  my father in our first game in about 1971.   What is your most memorable game? Beating Mikhail Gurefish [sic] in the last round of the Manila Interzonal.   What was your worst…

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Hugh Alexander’s Most Painful Blunder

  ‘My position was too good. I saw several winning moves and couldn’t make my mind up between them.’ ‘It occurred in round eight of the preliminaries in the 1958 International tournament. England were playing East Germany, and we were engaged in a desperate struggle to…

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More Chess on the Radio

Writer John Healy is the first subject of this new programme on Radio 4, the first BBC radio series dedicated to chess since 1964. The other interviewees are former heavyweight boxing champion Lennox Lewis, Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions,…

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