Latest in Chess Treasury of the Air

Old Lothario

Hugh Alexander: my favourite game ‘good judgement rates at least as high in chess as accurate analysis’ Asking someone who has been playing tournament chess for well over thirty years for his favourite game, is rather like asking an ageing Lothario about his favourite girlfriend. He…

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Hugh Alexander’s Most Painful Blunder

  ‘My position was too good. I saw several winning moves and couldn’t make my mind up between them.’ ‘It occurred in round eight of the preliminaries in the 1958 International tournament. England were playing East Germany, and we were engaged in a desperate struggle to…

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Leonard Barden’s Blunder Theory

  ‘The worst blunders occur on the days when you’re feeling in form and aren’t expecting the chess gremlins to strike.’ ‘If you go through my games at the Hastings tournament of 1961/2 you may well expect my greatest error to have occurred there. I…

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Max Euwe’s ‘Gravest Error’

‘I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion.’ ‘During my chess career, I have made quite a few oversights. In fact I have probably made more silly blunders than any other world champion. Although I remember these errors very well, I…

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Chess on the Radio

A recent radio broadcast examined the history of chess on the BBC. Between 1958 and 1964 there were regular chess programmes on the Third Network (now Radio 3), a mixture of essays, interviews and games. Contributors included Alexander, Barden, Euwe, Fischer, Gligoric and Golombek. Some…

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