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John Nunn: 20 Questions

What is your earliest memory of playing chess? Being told by my father not to allow e4, Bc4, Qh5 and Qxf7 mate. What is your most memorable game? Beliavsky–Nunn, Wijk aan Zee 1985. What was your worst defeat? Nunn–Lemachko, Lugano 1984. Which living player do…

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Move 40

‘Here I spent quite a bit of time. First of all, even if you have enough time approaching the time control, you will inevitably get some heightened emotions approaching move 40. It is almost always very useful to calm down before making more decisions. Chess…

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On the Ropes

  Bruno Carlier – Neil Carr Guernsey, 1986 (Notes by Neil Carr)      1 e4 g6 2 d4 Bg7 3 Nc3 d6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 h3 O-O 6 Be3 Nc6!? A common move for Black in this position is 6…b6, and after 7…

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Frog in the Throat

The late Neil Carr recounted this anecdote in Kingpin 12 (Autumn 1987).    The French International U-21 Championship held in Montpellier in April was a well-run 9 round tournament which produced some fine attacking chess. It was won by L. Stratil of Czechoslovakia (Strepsil to…

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Great Swindles Of Our Time

  Neil Carr wrote some funny articles for Kingpin. His dynamic style of play, breezy sense of humour and fondness for excruciating wordplay made him an ideal contributor. This turbulent game appeared in Kingpin 11. The dubious honour of having contributed more to this section of Kingpin…

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Confessions of a British Nightclubber

While looking at a copy of Chess Monthly, I read with interest while Chris Ward revealed how he had been thinking during his penultimate round game with Jonathan Levitt during last year’s British Championships. Having reached a very promising middlegame position Chris started to daydream. I hand you over to the man himself:

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Combo Absurdo

With his sharp eye for the unusual and the bizarre, Tony Miles offered this ‘candidate for the most absurd combination of the year award’.  Bellon–Sosonko Amsterdam 1978 Having been positionally outplayed Bellon now produced the incredible 21 Bxa6!!??? The ‘justification’ lying in the variation 21…Bxa6 22…

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The Fine Art of Swindling – Defined

 Jonathan Rogers There are many ways in which chess literature suffers from the fact that the game is not a recognised academic study. Take, for example, the imprecision of our terminology; we all use various chess words but seem to mean different things when doing…

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