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A Fish Who Makes a Lemon is Busted

The Students’ Olympiad 1967  W. R. Hartston   This event was held in Harrachov, Czechoslovakia in July and Cambridge University provided two members of the English team. On board two I scored two wins, nine draws and one loss in soporific style while on board…

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Leonard Barden’s Blunder Theory

  ‘The worst blunders occur on the days when you’re feeling in form and aren’t expecting the chess gremlins to strike.’ ‘If you go through my games at the Hastings tournament of 1961/2 you may well expect my greatest error to have occurred there. I…

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The Chess Player and the Train Robber

April 1981 was a fast month for news. John Hinkley had been arrested for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. There were riots on the streets of London. Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, went on trial. The Sun newspaper revealed to a rapt nation that…

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“I ask again WHO ARE YOU?”

  In the face of bitter opposition a maverick businessman fights a campaign to lead the English Chess Federation. And succeeds. Sounds familiar? As Andrew Paulson spars with his detractors in the bear pit that is the English Chess Forum, he can take heart from…

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How Good Is Your Hacking?

  Test Your Benko Refutations with Chris Ward Once upon a time there was an opening of great repute advocated by such English favourites as Hodgson, Hebden and Plaskett. Then along came a little-known Soviet player with the tactical flair of Adams, the optimism of…

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Chess in NYC

On the street           the ‘Elvis’ sandwich (peanut butter, bacon, banana, maple syrup, optional mayonnaise) is available at the nearby Peanut Butter Company        An evening at Marshall Chess Club     Bill’s memoir Understanding Chess: My System, My…

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Under the Black Sun

Under the Black Sun Eric Woro Axiom Books, 384 pp., $8.95   I had no hesitation in choosing to review Under the Black Sun. All I knew was that it was ‘a chess novel’. I believe that most chess players spend so much time with…

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